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Cwl Cymraeg

We had a whole week of Cwl Cymraeg. Each class celebrated it in a diffrent way. In Dosbath Elian we played Guess Who in Welsh. We also listened to raps by Mr Phormula and listened to how he beat boxes. We created some graffiti art for Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae. In Dosbath Dolwen they wrote about themselves in Welsh and did emojis in Welsh. In Dosbath Marian they learnt about the Welsh national anthem. They also learnt how to use sentences in Welsh to describe their partners. They also played guess who.

Dosbarth Elian played a guessing game where you had to give clues for what was on the screen in Welsh and the person at the front had to guess what was on the screen!.

Dosbarth Elian is learning the Welsh national anthem.



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